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Cleaning suede shoes without damaging them: our mini-guide

Suede Loafers for Men Pantofole Classiche in camoscio


Wearing them is like walking on a cloud: we find no other words to describe he sensation of walking with a fantastic pair of suede shoes. They are a soft and wrapping dream, ready to dangle your feet like a warm hug. Symbol of a timeless elegance and never reckless grace, this model states the allure and glamour of a self-confident man, who knows how to select quality materials and manage their delicacy without too much effort.

Here's the thing. Suede hides a potential defect: it gets dirty very easily. Whether it's a sudden summer storm, a small drop of your favorite cocktail or even the car door sill, the risk of this leather getting stained is very real.

Unlike the pure calfskin, suede is processed by sanding the grain of the animal, to obtain a sort of silky tissue. Due to its softness and porosity, this kind of leather must be handled very carefully. It needs to be cleaned often to maintain its beauty. and it is important to follow specific rules to avoid irreparable damages. It may seems hard to do, but with our mini-guide you can easily take care of your beloved suede shoes!

Wild suede: mistakes to avoid

Suede shoes damaged by snowScarpe in camoscio danneggiare dalla neve

If only your shoes have words! Maybe you have sometimes thought that cleaning your suede shoes with a degreaser would have made easier to remove the stain. Nothing more wrong! If you still haven't done this error, absolutely don't try this. It is not only a matter of chemicals: you need to be very carefull to avoid your suede shoes become ruffled and unusable.
Below you find a list of things to avoid.

Aggressive cleaning products

Though it is quite common to think that cleaning products with degreasing power is the best way to eliminate stains from your suede shoes, in reality this is the worste mistake you can do.

At first glance, they may seem like the ideal solution to eliminate stubborn stains, but they lead to a greater number of problems than they did initially. The first irreparable damage is the color lossing, that will definitively fade. If you want to use cleaning products, be sure that they are specifically designed for this material and purchase them only after having read the maintenance instructions, provided with the shoe.


Suede's greatest enemy is water: This material hates liquid subsances, whatever they are, because. they cause upper's deformations and other damages. 

The first of them is the proliferancy of mold very dangerous for human health. If your shoes have mold, we regret to tell you that they are at the last step of their life: In fact, using a brush to clean them will only spread mold spores all over the shoes. Water can also cause stains and humidity inside the shoe, causing bad smells and pains to your joints. We suggest to use water only when strictly necessary by first inserting some newspaper sheets inside to avoid deformations, then dabbing with a soft cloth. You should also make sure that the shoes dry properly at open air.

Heat sources

Another factor that can damage your suede shoes is the exposition to heat sources, both natural and artificial. For example, sun may cause irrecoverable changes or losses of color. So, if you decide to put them outside, pay attention to place them in shaded areas.
Hairdryers, stoves and radiators can compromise the suede's softness or even burn it. You would be better to be patient, without wanting to speed up the drying process.

Washing machine

Washing your suede shoes in a washing machine is really a killer action! The combination between water and the heat released by the machine during the washing process inevitably destroys the shoes.

Moreover, the rotations of the shoe inside the basket could lead to the formation of micro-holes or even damage the ergonomic structure of the shoe itself.

For every stain its natural remedy suited for suede

Natural remedies for cleaning suede shoesRimedi naturali per pulire il camoscio


If you haven't specific cleaning products, here some tips by using natural remedies. We suggest to test them on a small and barely visible portion of leather because they can react in different ways.

Oil stains

These kind of stains are very difficult to treat Rapidity is the keyword. The oil stain must be absorbed in the shortest possible time to avoid the formation of halos.. You need talc powder or flour or corn starch to spread all over the stain. The porosity of these elements will absorb the oil traces without leaving unpleasant halos on the upper.

Leave the ingredient some minutes on, untill it has absorbed the oil. Then, remove the excess with a soft brush, and clean the part from every grain of dust. This is a valid cleaning option, similar to a dry cleaning process.

Dried stains

In this typology we find those stains that change their status once they dried. In this typology we find those stains that change their status once they dried. To treat them you have to wait till they dry.

Then, you can proceed in two ways: dusting the suede with a dry cloth applying a light pressure to detach the dirty, or rubbing gently with a soft towel. If a little halo remains on the leather, use a cotton ball soaked in soapy water – prefer the biological Marseille soap – wring it well and dab the stain. Remember then to leave the shoes dry well.

Black stains

Sometimes you find the classic dirt stains on your suede shoes, such as those thin lines that appear on the upper as a result of rubbing on dirty surfaces.

The first methode you can use is to clean them with a white rubber, avoiding to force the hand. Alternatively, you can use an organic cleansing milk, applying it with a cotton ball.

Chewing gum

Everyone, sooner or later, has experienced this unpleasant inconvenience. Chewing gum is one of the most difficult things to remove from the shoes, given its consistency.

The secret is: ice. The cold temperature lets the chewing gum become hard till to loss its elasticity. So, run an ice cube over the chewing gum until it looks solid: it will come off by itself!

Glue or ink

If ink accidentely falls down on your shoes, milk is considered a valid remedy. Dab a small portion of the stain with a cloth slightly moistened with milk and evaluate the results. If it persists, you can scrape it very delicately with a nail file.

Glue stains instead, are harder to treat. In case of vinilic glue you can use a towel with hot water. Then remove the remaining glue with your fingers.
For stronger glues, use the mixture of Marseille soap and water already seen above, also adding a couple of drops of alcohol to emphatize the degreasing power of soap. Finish the process in the same way as in the case seen before for dries stains.

How to maintain suede shoes

Olivere suede loafer with tasselsPantofola Oliver in camoscio con nappine

Our Pantofola Oliver in light brown suede

Shoes in real suede are a luxury accessory, a detail that doesn't go unnoticed and that is able to elevate the perception of an outfit ,even if it is modest. The quality however must be preserved all time long, by using some small attention dedicated

First of all, it is necessary to brush them every day, especially if you wore them for a long time during the day. To do this you need to have the right tools such as special brushes for suede. There are currently no similar accessories to replace them and with which we can expect the same result.

Furthermore, suede needs to be nourrished from time to time, to preseve its natural softness that is also its valuable privilege. We have to select specific products, such as color enhancers that can restore and nourish the color. These allow us to preserve their integrity from natural agents and maintain the so pleasant soft appeal to the touch.

If you already know that you won't be wearing your suede shoes for a long time, a smart idea is to store your shoes by wrapping them individually with tissue paper, remembering to insert a reinforcement inside,such us newspapers: this tip will prevent any line distortion. Then put them inside their box or use special bags to protect them from dust and environmental agents, such as humidity.

The Shoecare Kit for suede by Franceschetti: your winning choice

Shampoo and revitalizer for Suede by FranceschettiShampoo e ravvivante per comoscio di Franceschetti

The Shoe Care Kit by Franceschetti for cleaning and maintenance of your suede shoes

At the end of our mini-guide, we have to make a necessary clarification: cleaning or maintaining a pair of suede shoes with unproper methods and products is always a gamble. If you don't want to risk, you can choose the practical Shoecare Kit for Suede, specifically designed by Franceschetti. Anyone who buys a pair of suede shoes should have one of this kit. 

In the shoecare kit for Suede you will find a balanced mix of products and tools to take care of your suede shoes. Thanks to the two brushes included in the Kit, the frequent cleaning of your shoes will no longer be a problem. ust put on your shoes and use the horsehair and para brush, using the horsehair part over the upper and welt, then using the larger part to comb the suede. The shoes will immediately look fresher, without further need to employ products.

If you want to brighten the color of suede because it seems a little dull, you can use the revival product, contained in the package. Use the large brush to give the shoe a quick clean, then apply 6-7 sprays of the product. When it is completely dry, use the same brush to activate the product. At last, clean the welt with the hairhorse brush and voilà: it will be as good as new! You will only need to repeat the process occasionally to have a pair of impeccable shoes that stands the passage of time

With the Shoecare Kit for suede by Franceschetti you will also have at your disposal the necessary for exceptional cleaning, a potent ally able to remove stains in complete safety and with effective results. We are talking about the fantastic shampoo for suede, a product conceived to be highly performing on that material.

After a quick brushing of the shoe you can start removing dirt using the part in para of the brush. If it persists, wet the upper with a cloth and apply a couple of spray of shampoo on the stain to be treated. Spread the product with the large part of the brush and let it dry. For an excellent result, use the horsehair part of the brush to polish the welt. The result is a pair of shoes worthy to be called again with this name, in just few steps.
Following these few tips and using proper products, you can preserve the beauty and quality of your suede shoes for years, avoiding a style fall.
Remember: the success of every outfit lies in the shoes because they are one of the first thing that people notice.
With the Shoecare Kit by Franceschetti you will wear a pair of shoes always perfect and every trip will be an unforgettable adventure.

Articole written by Alessia Capo


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